

image NTUB IMD Introduction

     The Department of Information Management, National Taipei University of Business (NTUB), was founded in 1970. For undergraduate level, the department offers a five-year study program. In 1986, we offer two-year extension junior college programs. In 2001, we offer two-year senior college programs. In 2006, we offer four-year college programs. Based on the experience and knowledge we accumulated for more than 40 years, we continue to improve our teaching and research strengths and provide our students with an integrated training of information technologies and proficient management skills.

   The goal of the department of information management is to educate students with the capabilities of solving business problems from both information technology and management perspectives. Additionally, the department also fosters students with the skills of effectively integrating theory and practice. Our core value is to nurture students with the capabilities of effectively integrating information technologies, management skills, and industrial practice for enterprise. Except for improving the students' ability of project execution and helping students to obtain certificates, we also encourage students to participate in the competition in order to improve their ability of integrating information technology application and management skills.

   The important teaching direction of the department of information management is to provide our students with an integrated training of information technologies and proficient management skills. In particular, we provide some curricula such as mobile applications, database management, computer network, electronic commerce and multimedia system design to educate students with the capabilities of planning, analyzing, designing, and operating information systems. We give our students the options of pursuing graduate studies or working as e-company, software company and MIS department professionals in the industry after their graduation. In terms of developing direction of our department, the curricula, together with a special project assignment and the internship program are provided to foster students with the capabilities of information management and information technology to meet talent demand of the enterprise.