

image 資訊管理系--林宏仁副教授



副教授信箱: imagetomlin@ntub.edu.tw


image 學歷

.國立臺灣科技大學 資訊管理研究所博士班管理學博士



image 經歷





image 任教科目




image 專長




image 著作<近五年著作>


.Chi-Jung Kuo, Chien-Chieh Hsu, Hon-Ren Lin and Dar-Ren Chen, “Minimum Feedback Arc Sets in Rotator and Incomplete Rotator Graphs”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science,Volume 23,Issue 04,June 2012.

.Chi-Jung Kuo, Chien-Chieh Hsu, Hon-Ren Lin and Kung-Kuei Lin, “An efficient algorithm for minimum feedback vertex sets in rotator graphs”, Information Processing Letters 109, pp.450-453, 2009.

林宏仁及林承凱, ”負載平衡及同步問題的自我穩定演算法”,北商學報第11期, pp.79-92, January 2007.
.Hon-Ren Lin and Chiun-Chieh Hsu, “Topological properties of bi-rotator graphs”, IEICE Trans. on Information and Systems, Vol.E86-D, No.10, pp.2172-2178, October 2003.
.Lin-Chieh Chen, Da-Ren Chen, Chiun-Chieh Hsu, and Hon-Ren Lin, “Fast and efficient allocation for mesh systems”, International Journal of Computer Systems, Science and Engineering, Vol.18, No.3, pp.161-171, May 2003.
.Hon-Ren Lin and Chiun-Chieh Hsu, “Distributed Broadcasting Algorithms in Rotator graphs”, Communication of IICM, pp.53-66, December 2001.
.林宏仁, “Chordal Rings的容錯直徑”, 北商學報(54), pp.112-128, June 2000.
.林宏仁, “Parallel Routing Paths in Chordal Rings”, 北商學報(53), December 1999.
.林宏仁, “尋找旋轉圖的節點不重覆平行路徑”, 北商學報(52), pp.241-251, June 1999.
.林宏仁, “Distributed Broadcasting Algorithms in Rotator graphs”, 北商學報(51), pp.109-136, December 1998.

International Journal of Computer Systems, Science and Engineering, Vol.18, No.3, pp.161-171, May 2003.Communication of IICM, pp.53-66, December 2001.北商學報(54), pp.112-128, June 2000.北商學報(53), December 1999.北商學報(52), pp.241-251, June 1999.


.林宏仁及林佳蓉, ”旋轉圖之互斥問題演算法”, 2007資訊科技國際研討會, 28 April 2007, 台中。
.Hon-Ren Lin, Chiun-Chieh Hsu, Hsi-Cheng Chang, and Kung-Kuei Lin, “Feedback Vertex Sets in Rotator Graphs”, PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING Workshop of ICCSA 2006, 8-11 May 2006, UK.
.林宏仁及林承凱, ”線性架構下解決互斥問題的四狀態自我穩定演算法”, 北商學術論壇-資訊管理與實務研討會,pp.2-7, 2005, 台北.
.Hon-Ren Lin and Chiun-Chieh Hsu, “Topological properties of bi-rotator graphs”, IASTED International Conference on Networks, Parallel and Distributed Processing, and Applications, Tsukuba Japan, pp.394-399, October 2002.



image 計劃及產學合作

.九十六年度教育部重點特色計畫–北商商管數位學習社群 96.8~96.12

.校園網路流量分析暨上網行為之研究–以國立臺北商業技術學院為例 96.9~96.12



image 指導專題

[88, 五專] 五專選課系統

[88, 五專] 大富翁2000 – 招財貓

[90, 五專] 技能學科Pass Want

[90, 五專] 北商購書網– 檸檬書坊

[92, 二技] 學生課務資訊系統–Java Solution

[92, 二技] 中文文章自動分類技術之研究

[92, 二技] 網路Java小社群

[93, 二技] Java語音引擎–說新聞

[93, 二技] 使用J2ME設計手機遊戲惡螺絲七彩方塊

[94, 二技] 基金資訊整合系統

[94, 二技] P2P檔案傳輸

[95, 二技] 無障礙網路空間輔助工具

[95, 二技] 以RIA技術實作網路書店

[96, 五專] Fun Song 心情

[96, 五專] 最愛Blog


