

image 資訊管理系--陳秋良副教授






副教授信箱: imageccliang@ntub.edu.tw


image 最高學歷




image 研究領域
  • 資訊科技融入教學



  1. Chen, C.-L., & Wu, C.-C. (2020). Students’ behavioral intention to use and achievements in ICT-Integrated mathematics remedial instruction: Case study of a calculus course. Computers & Education, 145, 1-18. (SSCI, IF:5.627, "COMPUTER SCIENCE, INTERDISCIPLINARY APPLICATIONS 7/106")
  2. Chiu-Liang Chen, "Predicting the Determinants of Dynamic Geometry Software Acceptance: A Two-Staged Structural Equation Modeling — Neural Network Approach," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 435-442, 2020. Chiu-Liang Chen, "Predicting the Determinants of Dynamic Geometry Software Acceptance: A Two-Staged Structural Equation Modeling — Neural Network Approach," International Journal of Information and Education Technology vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 435-442, 2020.


  1. Chen, C.-L., Cheng, S.-Y., & Lin, J. M.-C. (2012). A Study of Misconceptions and Missing Conceptions of Novice Java Programmers. Paper presented at the Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Education: CS and CE, Las Vegas, USA.


  1. Chen, C.-L., & Lin, J. M.-C. (2011). Learning Styles and Student Performance in Java Programming Courses. Paper presented at the Int'l Conf. Frontiers in Education: CS and CE, Las Vegas, USA



image 專業證照 
  1. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) - Introduction to Programming using Python
  2. Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) - Introduction to Programming using Java
  3. Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) PPT
  4. Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) Word


image 教學
  • 過去五年的主要授課科目為
    1. 五專一年級數學(自105學年度迄今)
    2. 五專三年級微積分(自105學年度迄今)
    3. 五專二年級程式設計(自90學年度迄今,主要教授C, Java程式設計)



image 專長
  1. 熟C, Java, Python, CSS, HTML, Javascript, SQL等程式技術
  2. 熟GeoGebra,並經常應用於數學教學中
  3. 非同步數位教材製作,過去已獲校加計鐘點獎勵的科目有:
    (1) 數學一(下) (109學年度第2學期)
    (2) 數學一(上) (109學年度第1學期)
    (3) Java程式設計二(上)(108學年度第1學期)
    (4) 微積分(上)(108學年度第1學期)
    (5) 微積分(下) (106學年度第2學期)
  4. BlackBoard數位教學平台的應用,所有授課科目均以該平台發佈教材及成績、線上繳交及批閱作業。



image 專題實作成果

2002年指導學生專題參加「教育部所舉辦之專題製作競賽,榮獲佳作」, 該項專題成果自2002年起即持續應用於每學期期末的教學評鑑