

image 資訊管理系 - 劉智華助理教授


聯絡電話 : (02)2322-6687
傳真電話 : (02)2322-6414
助理教授信箱 : alioujh@ntub.edu.tw

image 學歷

.國立交通大學資訊管理研究所博士班 資訊管理學博士
.中原大學資訊管理學系碩士班 商學碩士

image 經歷

.逢甲大學財務金融學系 專任助理教授

image 專長


image 期刊論文

•    1. Jyh-Hwa Liou, Yun-Ti Liu, Li-Chen Cheng, “Price Spread Prediction in High-Frequency Pairs Trading Using Deep Learning Architectures,” International Review of Financial Analysis, 96 (B), 2024, 103793. (SSCI)
•    2. Jyh-Hwa Liou, Ssu-Yu Chen, Yung-Ming Li, Guangming Cao, “Deriving Collective Recommendation with Aspect-Based Sentiment and Social Influence,” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 25 (4), 2024, 270-292. (SSCI)
•    3. Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li and Jyh-Hwa Liou, “Analyzing Knowledge-sharing Activities in Open Innovation Contests Under Optimal Reward Mechanism,” Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 25 (2), 2024, 98-120. (SSCI)
•    4. Jhih-Hua Jhang-Li and Jyh-Hwa Liou, “An Analysis of Operating Strategy for a Video Live Streaming Platform: Advertisement, Advertorial, and Donation,” Information Technology and Management, 25, 2024, 51-68. (SCI)
•    5. Yung-Ming Li, Jyh-Hwa Liou and Yi-Wen Li, “A Social Recommendation Approach for Reward-based Crowdfunding Campaigns,” Information & Management, 57 (7), 2020, 103246. (SSCI)
•    6. Yung-Ming Li, Jhih-Dong Wu, Chin-Yu Hsieh, and Jyh-Hwa Liou, “A Social Fundraising Mechanism for Charity Crowdfunding,” Decision Support Systems, 129, 2020, 113170. (SCI)
•    7. Yung-Ming Li, Jyh-Hwa Liou, and Ching-Yuan Ni, “Diffusing Mobile Coupons with Social Endorsing Mechanism,” Decision Support Systems, 117, 2019, 87-99. (SCI)
•    8. Yung-Ming Li, Hsuan-Ming Chen, Jyh-Hwa Liou, and Lien-Fa Lin, “Creating Social Intelligence for Product Portfolio Design,” Decision Support Systems, 66, 2014, 123-134. (SCI)

image 計畫

•    劉智華,基於面向情感分析與微調大語言模型的客觀評論生成機制 (113-2410-H-141 -028),國科會,計劃主持人,2024/08~2025/07。
•    劉智華,基於投資者情緒與波動率指數之智慧投資分析 (112-2410-H-035 -008),國科會,計劃主持人,2023/08~2024/07。
•    劉智華,人工智慧與智能合約在健康保險推薦設計之應用 (111-2410-H-035 -011),國科會,計劃主持人, 2022/08~2023/07。
•    劉智華,基於深度學習方法之智慧投資組合推薦機制設計 (110-2410-H-035 -028),國科會,計劃主持人, 2021/08~2022/07。
•    劉智華,適地群體結伴機制推薦系統之研究 (108-2410-H-570 -001),國科會,計劃主持人, 2019/08~2020/07。

